Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Final Silent E Page - We did it!

While I was waiting for my sister's labor to really start, I read The Writing Road to Reading and had my eyes opened.

Now, I wasn't unfamiliar with this approach. Actually, we've technically been "using" Spell to Write and Read (which is based on it) off and on since October. However, the opinions she wrote into her book really put me off, such that I had a hard time reading it. Additionally, what she writes a very long book about is only the first chapter of The Writing Road to Reading because WRR is just so much more succinct. 

Suddenly, I caught the vision. THIS was what I was trying to do. It really wasn't so hard after all. Sanseri's book had just overwhelmed me.

We're back on track now, reviewing all phonograms visually everyday and writing eight to ten from dictation everyday. We've reviewed the first three sections from the WISE guide, which we did during the fall, and today started covering new ground.

We did the Silent Final E page. Wow. It wasn't hard. We just had to do it.

Quizzing, which I felt so opposed to before, isn't hard. It is just a different form of practice. Of course John has never gotten a bad spelling test back before (and won't be this year, either). I'll just put a dot over the wrong word, let him fix it, and then put on a star sticker to cover the dot. Then, we'll review it in future weeks.

Amazing - I'm going to be following two programs almost to the letter. We're all happier that way.

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