Thursday, December 9, 2010

War and Peace

We play lots of War (and Peace) in our house. It's the the card game that's worth 1000 worksheets.

We're currently using it for addition and pre-subtraction. Today, we played War. J added up his cards (we played with three at a time per person), then added up my cards, told me which hand was more, and by how much (stealth subtraction). I gave him the abacus to use when necessary. I do worry that he's not noticing patterns because of his dependence on the abacus, but I'll probably wait a while before requiring him to do it mentally. Now, I simply point out ways he could have done the calculation more quickly.

"Notice you had 9, 7, and 3. You could have added 7 and 3 first, and then 9. Then you wouldn't have needed the abacus."

Time will show whether systematic teaching will be necessary a few months down the road or if games will suffice!

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