Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Daybook in Arizona


Outside my window...
the wind is blowing, the train is going, the kids are playing on the KOA playground

I am thinking...
about not worrying and enjoying vacation

I am thankful...
for my wonderful husband and his flexible hours, for pack-n-plays for baby while we camp

In the kitchen...
I have no kitchen this week!

I am wearing...
Jeans, a tank top, and a quilted vest. Flip flops, too, unless we hike and I replace them with sneakers.

I am creating...
Dreams about organizing in our larger apartment.

I am going...
along route 66 towards Chicago

I am wondering...
at the beauty of the southwest. I thought Arizona was ugly before this trip. Now, I could drop everything and move to Flagstaff!

I am reading...
the Bible, the Psalter, and not much else.

I am hoping...
for good friends for my children.

I am looking forward to...
organizing our office/guest room.

I am learning

to enjoy today.

Around the house...

I'm working on turning on the electricity!

I am pondering...
how to bring more southwestern food into my kitchen in the midwest.

A favorite quote for today...
from the KOA bathroom: "Worry is like a rocking horse - it keeps you busy but don't get ya nowhere."

One of my favorite things...
Big rocks, big holes in the ground.

A few plans for the rest of the week:

New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma...

A peek into my day...
Petrified Forest National Park!

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