Monday, October 1, 2012



Outside my window...

The leaves are starting to turn and the sky is partly cloudy. It is getting warm enough to wear a light jacket and scarf but it is not yet so nippy that I can't happily sit while the kids play on the playground. The grass had to be watered today, keeping us inside all too long! 

I am thinking...

About how we've landed on our feet here! What a blessing our first two weeks have been here. We already see people we know every time we go out.

I am thankful...
For the relative ease of our move, for the size of our apartment, for our full freezer (yay for freezer cooking last week!)

In the kitchen...
Last week was my big week of cooking, so I'm a bit worn out right now. We'll have leftover pork ragout, noodles, and broccoli for dinner tonight. I'm hoping I can pull off chili and cornbread tomorrow. We'll see!

I am wearing...
Jeans, sneakers, black 3/4 length sleeve shirt. I wore a brown jean jacket and black scarf when I went out. Afraid I'm not very exciting in this category!

I am creating...
Ways to involve everyone in the school day and plans for meals that I can make with my 4-year-old. I made calendar books for my children that Molly can be involved in and pie on Saturday night with John. I'm trying to figure out what the flow of the living room should be. There is so much possibility here!

I am going...
Anywhere I can walk to! Today, that was the park.

I am wondering...

What will life look like when it snows?
I am reading...
Charlotte Mason homeschooling books. I'm not Roman Catholic but I'm enjoying (most) of "Real Education" by Elizabeth Foss. Her balanced views on education are inspiring.

I am hoping...
I don't want to be shy about being a friend. I'm hoping I don't disappear into a winter cocoon. I'm hoping for enough good weather to feel really settled and connected before the weather keeps me home.

I am looking forward to...
My parents' visit later this month. No one knows how to use space as well as my dad! I've been delaying many decisions because I know he'll have a better idea!

I am learning
Patience and self-control.

Around the house...
There are a million important questions!

I am pondering...
What irrational fears of mine am I passing on to my kids? I think I've done a good job of not giving them a fear of heights, but my fear of dogs is being transmitted. Anna doesn't seem to have a fear of bugs, given her recent "pet", "Starlight" (a centipede).

Anna's pet, Starlight, a centipede
A favorite quote for today...
A neighbor's view of Chicago: "It has the best of LA and the best of New York combined. It has a great road network like LA and good walkability and public transportation like New York. Yeah, it gets 20 degrees colder than New York, but the housing is half the price." I'm loving this place!

One of my favorite things...
Baby hugs and Matthew's noise he makes when he makes a huge smile. One day, when Matthew happily work up from a nap, Molly said, "Mommy, I hear Matthew smiling!" And she was right!

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Sofa shopping, ballet for Anna, soccer for John, electric piano shopping, and lots and lots of time outdoors!

A peek into my day...

Dan's job started today, so it was our first day of "full" school. (We've been doing math and minimal language arts since moving, but this was EVERYTHING.) 
Anna Grade 1, John Grade 2, Dan Professor

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